Revision as of 14:17, 26 February 2018 by Thomas.peterseil (talk | contribs) (→Why i should run my own MediaWiki)
Installation of your own MediaWiki
What do i need for that?
- An account at (free webhoster with mysql/php support)
- Some files that you can download for free, as MediaWiki is an open source software
- If you follow this step by step instruction, it will take you 10-15min to have your own MediaWiki up and running
Why i should run my own MediaWiki
- You are independent
- You can add plugins and extensions that you need and want
- You decide where the data is stored
- You can adapt it to your needs
Used tools
- Webbrowser
- FTP-Client
- Texteditor
- Mediawiki
- replacement of the TempFSFile.php when you use TempFSFile.php
- Create a free account at (choose a short username, otherwise you might have some troubles later with the database)
- Create a mysql database for the mediawiki in the bplaced webinterface. - remember about the database name and the username
- Create a ftp account at the bplaced webinterface
- Download the latest stable MediaWiki from here: Mediawiki
- Unpack the files you just downloaded
- Start the FTP client, set it up with your credentials and connect your FTP client with the server
- Create a directory wiki (or something similar) for the wiki
- Enter the new created directory
- Create in the wiki directory the directory called: temp
- Upload the unpacked MediaWiki files in the directory
- Navigate to "includes/libs/filebackend/fsfile/" and replace the TempFSFile.php with this file: TempFSFile.php You have to do that BEFORE you start the Setup at the server!!!!!
- Open in your webbrowser YOUR address, followed by /wiki (or whatever you have choosen before)
- Follow the setup navigation
- Download the LocalSettings.php file and open it with a text editor
- Add this at the end of the LocalSettings.php file: $wgTmpDirectory = "tmp";
- Upload the LocalSettings.php file with your FTP Client to the root directory of the Wiki
- Check your installation, if all is working as expected
Make it shiny and nice
Change the default editor
- By default, the mediawiki comes with a very puristic editor. To enable the little more modern one, add this to your LocalSettings.php:
wfLoadExtension( 'WikiEditor' ); $wgDefaultUserOptions['usebetatoolbar'] = 1; |
Mobile Frontend
Mediawiki has a great frontend for mobile devices, which is NOT in the default setup. To make a better mobile frontend working, follow this steps:
- Download (unpack) and place the file(s) in a directory called MinervaNeue in your skins/ folder.
- Download (unpack) the Mobile Extention files and upload them to the folder MobileFrontend in your folder extensions/
- Add this to your LocalSettings.php:
wfLoadExtension( 'MobileFrontend' ); $wgMFAutodetectMobileView = true; |