The MINE team decided to split the content of the curriculum into modules. The whole Course has 4 ECTS (100 working hours) and modules can be made by university teachers and students.
After the reviewing process of the modules you can find here the whole description of the competences, including didactical advices.
Core Module Teacher/Student)
Video in HE
(micro)Blogging in HE
Expectations of teachers/students (Roles)
“Safer Internet”
Digital Communication
Virtual learning environments
Reflection/Feedback with m-learning
Live online learning
Additional Modules
Additional Modules
Audio - Podcasts in HE
ARS Systems (audience response systems)
QR-Codes in HE
AR in HE / Transmedia storytelling
Whatsapp / Social Media
Mobile Moodle in HE
AR affordances & Applications in HE / Creating your own AR content with Aurasma, Blippar etc