M-learning scenario: Microblogging
Microblogging is a form of blogging, User can post short text messages (microposts) or other forms of short content such as pictures or videos. The postings can published in private or public mode and are chronologically displayed.
The usage is similar to blogs: information storage, reflection medium or discourse and publication medium.
Formal learning scenarios:
• As a learning content management system • To collect and summarize content • To support virtual seminars or lessons
Informal learning:
• As personal journals or public (learning) diaries • As a feedback medium • As a medium for the transfer of knowledge in general, private weblogs can provide access to people, establish communities, and encourage mutual exchange in communities
Timeframe: short, medium, long
Benefit for teacher/ Benefit for learner (pedagogical approach):
- Central administration and distribution of short information, which facilitates the information flow between teachers and learners - Collect short information - Content can be easily shared - Collaboration independent of time and place - Easy to use and for free - Hashtags facilitates the search for similar content through keywords
For teachers:
- receive and provide information - Insights into the learner's interests, their knowledge about a topic. - If the microblog summarizes the expectations and work results of the learner, the microblog can also serve as an e-portfolio and can be used for evaluation or feedback purposes.
For learners:
- Receive and provide information - Collect content about a topic - Practice in the creation of media content - Reflection of the personal learning and knowledge process - Communication skills (Peer-feedback, analysis capability and reflection skills)
Goal/ Expected Outcome (content)
- Self organized and self-directed learning - Dealing with new media and its content - Knowledge about legal aspects of internet usage (for example copyright and license-free content) - Discussing issues and thoughts about a specific topic - Sharing of Information - Getting aware of the communication possibilities by reading and commenting other microposts
How to:
1. Choose microblog software 2. Create an account an sign in 3. Upload and share short messages, pictures and videos 4. Create hashtags, tags 5. Comment and Like - Students can post („tweet“) with the same #hashtags to connect each other’s posts or the teacher creates one account for the whole course, which everyone can use.
Technical part:
- Internet access - Software f.e. Twitter ( )
Role of the teacher + role of the student
- Activities beyond the traditional attendance lessons - Extension of traditional teaching by the possibility of online comments and feedback. - Teacher gives responsibility to learners - Teachers should know the main terms (the “Blog slang”) - Teachers should know the functions of the tool to guide and support learners - Teachers become more like a guide or facilitator and they become learners too - Learners become teachers by providing the learning results from their personal learning process - Learner must maintain their blog regularly and have to be willing to share information/ experiences etc.