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Scenario: Twitter

Twitter has been one of the dominating platforms for short communication world wide. However its popularity differs from region to region. The main purpose of Twitter is to send and share short messages consisting of a maximum of 180 characters. Not only text but also pictures and GIFs can be posted. The so called “tweets” can be replied to and “retweeted” which means reposting another person’s tweet. In order make use of Twitter you can either follow people or certain “hashtags”. Critical to the use of Twitter is the use of hashtags which is similar to other apps (e.g. Instagram). Everything takes place in your timeline where you can find the tweets, retweets and other of all the hashtags and people you follow.

Timeframe: short/medium/long

Benefit for teacher/learner (pedagogical approach)

- Networks as sources of information - Collect pictures or videos instead of long texts - Content can be shared through a chain of comments and retweets - Easy to use and for free - Hashtags

For teachers:

- Topics can be discussed in a large group with multiple sources of information to stress the main points of your arguments. - By defining a common hashtag, everything can be reviewed in one place

For learners:

- Receive and provide information - Discuss and refer to other argument - Directly reply to tweets and retweet them

Goal/Expected Outcome (content):

- Self-organized and self-directed learning - Deal with new media and its content - Sharing of information - Getting aware of the communication possibilities - Retweeting is a possible feature to replicate the importance of citing one’s sources

How To:

Create an account and sign in Download the application Post tweets and pictures Create hashtags Comment and retweet

Technical Part:

- Twitter - available for Windows 10, MacOS, Android, iOS and through all browsers in a web view

Role of the teacher + role of the learner

Teachers should explain their intentions/expectations/aims to the students. Learners adapt the tool as a possibility of sharing and verifying information in an (extended) community.

Pedagogical added value

Twitter is a platform where information can be shared in a vast network. Through the use of common hashtags a community could be installed.