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Scenario: Instagram

Universities have used Instagram more for their own marketing purposes than as an instrument in teaching so far. But Instagram can be used not just for selfies, food posts or the pictures of dream holiday vacations. The image-sharing tool can be harnessed to collect real-time data for coursework. Students can collect pictures on their own or check the data collected by others. Every picture can be described, so the students can add information and valuable learning content. The application also provides an opportunity for collaboration. Students can upload, tag, and comment on pictures on each others’ feeds, thus expanding the reach of discussion.

Timeframe: short/medium/long

Benefit for teacher/learner (pedagogical approach)

- Central distribution of data, which facilitates the information flow between teachers and learners - Collect pictures or videos instead of long texts - Short Information/ learning content can be added - Content can be easily shared - Collaboration independent of time and place - Easy to use and for free - Hashtags

For teachers:

- Receive and provide information f.e. introduce a new topic. - Insights into the learner's interests and their knowledge about a topic - If the feed summarizes the expectations and work results of the learner, it can serve as kind of an e-portfolio

For learners:

- Receive and provide information - Collect many pictures about a topic - Practice in the creation of media content - Collaborate with other students (Cooperation and Feedback) - Share knowledge and learning process

Goal/Expected Outcome (content):

- Self-organized and self-directed learning - Deal with new media and its content - Sharing of information - Getting aware of the communication possibilities by commenting other pictures

How To:

- Download the application - Create an account and sign in - Upload and share pictures and videos - Create hashtags, tag s.o. - Comment and Like

Technical Part:

- Instagram - Need a mobile device - available for Windows 10, Android and iOS

Role of the teacher + role of the learner

The teacher should explain his intentions/expectations/aims to the student (exactly) The learner should be willing to use the application differently than in everyday life → the learner should be able to reflect and convey learning content

Pedagogical added value

Instagram is very easy to use and most of the students use it already in their private life. Through the use of comments a community could be installed. It is possible to discuss different topics about a picture or another input.