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Scenario 3

1,168 bytes added, 13:14, 17 February 2018
Scenario 3
= Scenario 3 =
== Short description ==
Using QR-Codes for Higher Education
== Goal: ==
To augment physical objects and locations with digital information
== Howto: ==
# The teacher has to generate and create QR-codes through online and free access utility
# QR-codes can contain informations about web sites, emails, images videos
# Students need to download a QR-reader application in their mobile devices or use the camera feature in case their devices are quite new in order to access the digital information embedded in the QR code
== Timeframe: ==
short, medium and long
== Technical part: ==
* printer (to print the QR code)
* mobile devices with QR Readers
== Benefit for teacher/ Benefit for learner (pedagogical approach): ==
For teachers:
* Provide information in an easy way by combining physical objects (ie a piece of paper) with digital information
* Provide situated learning opportunities
* Support contextualized learning
For learners:
* Easy access to information through mobile devices
* Experience situated and contextualized learning opportunities
* Ability to access additional information about a topic
== Role of the teacher + role of the student ==
* The teacher organizes the information that are regarded useful for students
* The student processes information from various sources and is familiarized with mobile devices

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